> (9 Jan) I’m thrilled to announce the opening of GEOMETRIES OF SILENCE at Arquivo Aires Mateus.
This exhibition presents a selection of photos from an extensive visual narrative I have been developing over the past eight years — it’s an ongoing project, and I’m pleased to finally share these curated fragments with everyone.
OPENING: January 17, 2025, 7 PM
GUIDED TOUR: January 18, 5 PM
CLOSING DAY: January 31, 7 PM
VISITING HOURS: Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from 4 PM to 8 PM
📍LOCATION: Arquivo Aires Mateus — Rua Silva de Carvalho 175, Ground Floor, Lisbon — Portugal
I hope to see you there!
> (2 Feb) Here’s a fun project developed during the last couple of years. Logo and visual identity for CASA 1923, an ancestral townhouse, dated from 1923, recently renovated and a unique example of Art Nouveau in the city of Faro, Portugal. The architectural project by PAr intends to recover, restore, and expand the existing building, to recreate, redefine and innovate, adapting to new needs and circumstances. Finalist of the Archello Awards 2023.
> (25 Jan) Dutch composer Jozef van Wissem visited Portugal for a mini-tour, and I had the chance to meet him for a few photo portraits. Be sure to listen to his extraordinaire new album “The Night Dwells In the Day”, and check his website for upcoming tour dates.
![Jozef van Wissem]()
![Jozef van Wissem]()
![Jozef van Wissem]()
> (24 Dec) End of the year round-up with a few memorable covers. 2023 was an exciting and extremely busy year. I’m beyond grateful to all the clients, publishers, authors, art directors, and everyone in general who commissioned work and kept the wheel spinning. We’re ready for some more in 2024!
> (20 Jul) Cover design for the dark fantasy novel “A Lost Fire”, by Tiago Neves, based on an original oil painting.
An icy and highly atmospheric story with lots of lore and mystery thrown into it. Perfect summer reading to chill one’s bones.
> (10 Jul) XYZ Books 10th Anniversary Group Exhibition - “Too Much of a Good Thing”. Here’s a few shots taken by Anna Paganini.
Thank you to the XYZ Books team for the invitation.
> (24 Mar) Here’s a project I’m really proud of - two books of poetry and short prose by Kim Nierman Smith. “Park Parallel” and “The Boxed Garage”, both extraordinary. The two books can be read individually or as a companion to each other.
Kim’s poems are intimate yet speak to the shared experiences of life. As she writes, “I didn’t think I had it in me, but there it was.” This collection is a testament to the power of language to transform our circumstances into art.
Kim allowed me full creative freedom and I worked on some paintings that turned into these beautiful covers.
I highly recommend everyone to grab a copy and delve into it!
> (4 Jan) Happy new year! I take this opportunity to wish everyone an imaginative kick into 2023. Although I was silent for most of the past year, I’m proud to announce a new short-film and photo-novel are on the making, and I hope to share more concrete news about it really soon.
A warm thank you to all NM Design / Photos clients, friends and enthusiasts for keeping the flame burning.
Sincerely, Nuno
> (14 Sep) Here are a few shots from a recent collaboration with NERVO, a Portuguese cultural magazine printed every four months, dedicated to contemporary poetry. It’s a pleasure to see my artworks associated with words, and for that I think Maria F. Roldão for her kind invitation.
This exhibition presents a selection of photos from an extensive visual narrative I have been developing over the past eight years — it’s an ongoing project, and I’m pleased to finally share these curated fragments with everyone.
OPENING: January 17, 2025, 7 PM
GUIDED TOUR: January 18, 5 PM
CLOSING DAY: January 31, 7 PM
VISITING HOURS: Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from 4 PM to 8 PM
📍LOCATION: Arquivo Aires Mateus — Rua Silva de Carvalho 175, Ground Floor, Lisbon — Portugal
I hope to see you there!

> (2 Feb) Here’s a fun project developed during the last couple of years. Logo and visual identity for CASA 1923, an ancestral townhouse, dated from 1923, recently renovated and a unique example of Art Nouveau in the city of Faro, Portugal. The architectural project by PAr intends to recover, restore, and expand the existing building, to recreate, redefine and innovate, adapting to new needs and circumstances. Finalist of the Archello Awards 2023.

> (25 Jan) Dutch composer Jozef van Wissem visited Portugal for a mini-tour, and I had the chance to meet him for a few photo portraits. Be sure to listen to his extraordinaire new album “The Night Dwells In the Day”, and check his website for upcoming tour dates.

> (24 Dec) End of the year round-up with a few memorable covers. 2023 was an exciting and extremely busy year. I’m beyond grateful to all the clients, publishers, authors, art directors, and everyone in general who commissioned work and kept the wheel spinning. We’re ready for some more in 2024!

> (20 Jul) Cover design for the dark fantasy novel “A Lost Fire”, by Tiago Neves, based on an original oil painting.
An icy and highly atmospheric story with lots of lore and mystery thrown into it. Perfect summer reading to chill one’s bones.

> (10 Jul) XYZ Books 10th Anniversary Group Exhibition - “Too Much of a Good Thing”. Here’s a few shots taken by Anna Paganini.
Thank you to the XYZ Books team for the invitation.

> (24 Mar) Here’s a project I’m really proud of - two books of poetry and short prose by Kim Nierman Smith. “Park Parallel” and “The Boxed Garage”, both extraordinary. The two books can be read individually or as a companion to each other.
Kim’s poems are intimate yet speak to the shared experiences of life. As she writes, “I didn’t think I had it in me, but there it was.” This collection is a testament to the power of language to transform our circumstances into art.
Kim allowed me full creative freedom and I worked on some paintings that turned into these beautiful covers.
I highly recommend everyone to grab a copy and delve into it!

> (4 Jan) Happy new year! I take this opportunity to wish everyone an imaginative kick into 2023. Although I was silent for most of the past year, I’m proud to announce a new short-film and photo-novel are on the making, and I hope to share more concrete news about it really soon.
A warm thank you to all NM Design / Photos clients, friends and enthusiasts for keeping the flame burning.
Sincerely, Nuno

> (14 Sep) Here are a few shots from a recent collaboration with NERVO, a Portuguese cultural magazine printed every four months, dedicated to contemporary poetry. It’s a pleasure to see my artworks associated with words, and for that I think Maria F. Roldão for her kind invitation.

> (7 Sep) Book cover artwork & design (based on original collage) for Leonard J. Horsford’s “Walk With Me: a collection of poems”.

> (22 Dec) We’re reaching the end of the year, and here are a few random projects that somehow didn’t get shown here.
We'll do our best to keep this news section running in 2022. Meanwhile, be sure to follow on instagram @bookcoversdesign and @nmoreira
Happy holidays everyone!

> (25 Nov) Este fim-de-semana realiza-se a Feira do Fotolivro de Lisboa.
De 26 a 28 de Novembro, no IPCI (Av. Conde Valbom). Os meus livros podem ser encontrados no Espaço dos Autores.
This weekend the Lisbon Photobook Fair takes place.
From the 26th to the 28th of November, at IPCI (Av. Conde Valbom). My books can be found at the Author’s Corner.

> (5 Oct) ONLY 10 COPIES LEFT of my photobook SHE LOOKS INTO ME available through my website.
Who wants a copy? I’m attaching a small unique print to go along with these final books and I’ll be happy to sign them for you. Shipping worldwide.
If you’re interested please head on to: nmphotos.org, or follow this direct link to order.
Thank you all in advance, I can assure you new works are in the making.
Limited Edition of 200 copies
84 pages, open spine paperback with flaps
Insert with text by Adolfo Luxúria Canibal in English / Portuguese
Foreword by M.F. Sullivan and afterword by Jesse Freeman
30 Euros (includes shipping worldwide)
> (17 Sep) Book cover artwork and design (based on original collage) for Chris William’s “Antibody”.
> (1 Jul) On the 10th and 11th of July we’ll be present at Feira Gráfica Lisboa 2021 to sell books, limited editions and special prints. If you’re in Lisbon be sure not to miss it!
> (10 May) Experiência muito enriquecedora de participação na primeira edição do Mercado Pla’Arte. Um obrigado a todos os que apareceram e compraram livros, prints e edições limitadas. O saldo foi muito positivo, alargou-se a rede de contactos e sinergias, e principalmente foi bom trocar ideias e conhecer pessoas genuinamente interessadas em ver coisas novas. Parabéns à organização.
Very enriching experience of participation in the first edition of Mercado Pla’Arte. Thank you to everyone who showed up and bought books, prints and limited editions. The balance was very positive, the network of contacts and synergies was expanded and it was mainly good to exchange ideas and meet people genuinely interested in seeing new things. Congratulations to the organization.
> (26 Feb) Book design (cover + interior typesetting) for Anthony J. Alexandre poetry anthology “More Than That”. Available on paperback, hardcover and ebook.
> (20 Jan) Complete book design (cover + interior with pictures) for Kelly Laguerre’s poetry collection “Too Late”.
Available on paperback / ebook.
> (18 Dec) Book cover + interior design of "Ékleipsis" by Tamel Wino.
Available on paperback / ebook.
Cover based on original hand-made collage.
> (9 Nov) Morreu ontem, Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas. A minha sentida homenagem em forma de lembrança.
Durante a fase de edição do meu livro SHE LOOKS INTO ME levei uma maquete à procura de opinião ao mestre surrealista Cruzeiro Seixas. Com 97 anos de experiência calculei que seria a pessoa (viva, pelo menos) que melhor me poderia aconselhar sobre o que tinha em mãos. O mestre recebeu-me no seu quarto, na Casa do Artista, e ao olhar para as imagens no livro disse-me que "eram bonitas, com muita sensibilidade" e que não havia muito mais que pudesse acrescentar. Deu-me alguns conselhos e desejou-me boa sorte com a publicação do livro. Disse-me que se quisesse podia usar a sua poesia livremente nos meus livros, juntamente com as minhas imagens. Ofereceu-me de seguida um volume assinado da sua obra poética o qual li por completo nessa mesma noite. Disse-me algo simples mas que pela forma como me olhou e se expressou na altura me marcou: "o bom trabalho não pode ser apressado. Precisa de tempo. Volte.”. Disse que nos deveríamos encontrar outra vez e agradeceu-me sempre todas as visitas. Tive 3 encontros com o mestre durante a feitura do livro, e tal como me aconteceu há alguns anos atrás quando visitei Yoshito Ohno (filho de Kazuo Ohno) no seu atelier no Japão, senti que tinha estado na presença de uma pessoa sábia e que as pessoas sábias são generosas e grande parte das vezes se encontram muito sozinhas.
Das vezes que me encontrei com Cruzeiro Seixas fui sempre bem recebido e tratado de forma cordial. Contou-me imensas histórias sobre Cesariny, de quem falava de forma claramente apaixonada. Falou-me das dificuldades de ser artista, das vezes que a sua obra foi roubada ou que foi enganado. Mostrou-me fotografias em África e da medalha atribuída por Cavaco Silva com alguma displicência. Mostrou-me as suas obras espalhadas pelo quarto e falou-me do desenho na parede de António Maria Lisboa.
Com o avançar da idade tinha imensa dificuldade em ler e escrever, mas não em contar histórias. Uma das vezes pediu-me que lhe lesse o correio que se encontrava em cima da mesa. Foi uma experiência diferente, ter um poeta a ouvir-me com extrema atenção a ler cartas pessoais de velhos amigos.
Num dos dias, ao fotografar o mestre, disse-lhe que ainda mostrava ter energia e bom aspecto. Ele retorquiu de maneira evidentemente atrevida dizendo que boa figura tinha eu. Sorri e expliquei que onde me sentia melhor era mesmo atrás da câmara.
Acabei por não usar as palavras do mestre Cruzeiro Seixas em SHE LOOKS INTO ME por achar que não se enquadravam com o corpo de trabalho que tinha em mãos, mantém-se porém uma profunda admiração pela pessoa e pela obra.
Em jeito de despedida, deixo um excerto de um poema do livro que me foi oferecido:
"Tenho frio
e imploro que me cubram com o dilúvio
ao som de trombetas exacerbadas:
que me cubram a mim e ao eco,
e à memória de tudo isto.
Estou ainda aqui,
e vejo
como um cego vê o mar.”
> (29 Oct) Book design for Anne-Tamar Morency, "If Saturn Itself Could Cry", a collection of poems.
Available on paperback / Ebook through Amazon.
Cover artwork based on original hand-made collage.
> (28 Sep) On creativity, childhood, and ideas - an interview for Black Flowers.
> (24 Sep) Book design for Ryan J. Kemp "Returning Home: A Collection of Poems From Around the World".
Available on paperback through Amazon.
Cover artwork based on original painting.
> (14 Sep) Book design for Chelsea Reidy "The Brightest Darkness: A Journey into Bipolar Disorder".
Available on paperback and Ebook through Amazon.
Cover artwork based on original hand-made collage.
> (13 May) Since last year I’ve been doing several visual studies using print gravure. More precisely, linogravure.
I’ve selected a few prints from the archive and I’m now selling these artist proofs (AP) in an edition of 5 each.
Gravure on japanese calligraphy paper mounted on 150 gms black paper. Size 29,7x42 cm.
120 Euros each print, shipping included worldwide.
1. The universe is indifferent
2. The convergence of shadows
3. The voice, the song, the whisper
4. Murmuring echoes
Please contact me for more information or visit the shop for other artworks.
> (9 Mar) I am pleased to announce that my new artist book is now available in an edition of only 50 copies, numbered, signed and all produced manually.
"ERRATA.” is a photographic essay created in 2017 and which now sees the light of day accompanied by a beautiful text in prose by David Soares, which matches in an exemplary way with the nature of these images making me very satisfied with the final outcome.
"ERRATA.” is, in a very succinct manner, a book about books that pays homage to the labyrinthine and inexhaustible sense of imagination and dream.
Directed and shot by Nuno Moreira
Text by David Soares (Portuguese / English)
Actors: Marta Barahona Abreu, Miguel Sá Nogueira
Book design by Nuno Moreira
Format: 140x205mm
Pages: 52
Hand bound (french stitching) in black cardboard box with front / back embossed title
40 Euros - (shipping worldwide)
or send a direct message by email to: info@nmdesign.org
"ERRATA", we are all pages in a book. March 2020
> (6 Mar) Bellow is a picture someone took of me, with a silly smile, talking with photography students and peers at Escola Profissional Magestil, in Lisbon, yesterday.
I was invited by a dear old friend for a lecture on the topic of “the international career of a photographer” and since I don’t feel full authority to speak about this particular subject I’ve decided to instead talk about my experience in art residencies and collaborations with other artists as a way of stepping out of your geographic zone and pushing ones work out there.
All in all, it’s nearly 10 years since I’ve stopped teaching but it’s always fun speaking in public and even though most students are shy to pose direct questions I prefer to address them as colleagues breaking the usual social hierarchy of teacher-student so prevalent in general education.
> (3 Feb) I am floored to have just found out that the great Yoshito Ohno passed away on January 8th 2020.
I had the privilege of spending a memorable afternoon with this utterly kind man in the summer of 2011. It was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. Yoshito greeted me – by all means a perfect stranger - at his home, showing me the studio where he and his father Kazuo Ohno rehearsed for years and taught Butoh to students from Japan and all over the world. The story of meeting Yoshito is part of a larger picture of my life and Butoh is perhaps one of the catalysts for me to travel to Japan just after the big earthquake of 2011. I knew all along I wanted to pay a visit to Ohno and listen in first-hand about his father and what Butoh represented to the people who started this art/dance movement. I’m not going to delve into explaining what Butoh is because there’s enough information out there but I am going to share what I wrote on my diary that day and represents best the immediate impression I had of Yoshito, being this my small gesture of appreciation for his time and grace.
From my diary:
"12/09/11, KODS – Kazuho Ohno Dance Studios.
I just had the most sincere and humbling experience of my life with Kazuho Ohno’s son, Yoshito. He received me in his home, gave me some slippers to put on and showed me the studio where he taught classes and rehearsed. In the opposite wall of the studio there were books piled and he showed me some while we talked about his shows and about his father and Hijikata. He had fond memories of both. He showed me lots of pictures, memorabilia and danced for me for a while; I took photos and realised this was a unique moment. After the performance he asked for my home address and we took a picture together. As a gift, he gave me a book about his fathers’ farewell performance. I felt moved by it all. Afterwards, we went to his room and we sat to have a beer together. We looked in each others’ eyes for a while. Talked about Butoh (in Japan and Europe). We just sat, ate crackers and shared silence. He told me I gave him renewed energies for his next performance. I felt him truly there - present. A very spiritual and inspiring person. Yoshito was worried about Japan and his family after the situation with the quake. I wished him and Japan all the best. It depends on us all. We understood with very little english and my insignificant japanese. I firmly shook his hand and thanked him and then left towards the station. A true human being. I feel grateful and overjoyed. Crying. Learned and will remember this is what matters."
I think about Yoshito often.
![Yoshito Ohno]()
> (10 Jan) Exhibition of She Looks into Me at Centro Cultural de Cascais / Fundação D. Luis I.
Featuring images taken from the book with the same title, along with a new video-installation. At the foyer of the Museum the visitor will find preliminary works (drawings, collage, etc) that served as guiding references for the materialization of this project. The last copies of the book can be acquired at the museum shop.
Centro Cultural de Cascais / Fundação D. Luis I, Avenida Rei Humberto II de Itália, Nº16, 2750-800 Cascais, Portugal
Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 AM to 18.00 PM
The exhibition can be visited until 23rd of February 2020
> (17 Dec) Book design for “Norwegian Sky 9”, the new photobook by Arlindo Pinto, published by Huggly Books in an edition of 100 copies.
Text by Fernando Sobral and Arlindo Pinto in English and Portuguese. Always a pleasure working for talented friends.
> (29 Oct) Opening next Friday at 16 PM in Setúbal - The Nature of this Room - on display at Lapso Galeria until December 21st.
A very special installation-project developed with Rosanna Helena Bach and curated by Sofia Steinvorth during the past 6 months.
From the press-release:
“Parting from two site-specific installations and a series of photographic experiments, the gallery turns into an immersive experience, in which the space itself - its rooms, shapes, walls, columns and windows - becomes a part of the artists' pursuits. Their pieces seem to merge with the surrounding architecture and to expand into the space contained within it. The apparent borders between works and space, graspable object and aether, blur. The gallery reveals itself as a liminal realm, a transitory, in-between state characterized by indeterminacy, the potential for destabilization and the possibility for transformation.”
> (23 Aug) When one leasts expects the most exciting comissions come along. This time a cover design for a complex thriller entitled “The Fallen”, second novel by UK’s author Martin Hyde. Instead of going for an easy approach, depicting literally a person falling, a typography composition did the trick quite nicely this time.
“The Fallen” will be available on paperback and Kindle on November 2019.
> (4 Jun) Here’s another new book cover design. This one for the motivational speaker on Autism and mental health, Russell Lehmann.
A powerful first-hand account using prose and poetry to face autism heads-on and achieving personal growth and recognition in return.
The concept for this cover had to be strong and personal, therefore it derived from an original collage which was then modified by altering the silhouette to Russell’s very own torso, a somewhat symbolic gateway representing the interaction with the external world and the complex mechanisms of the inner world.
> (21 May) Book design, sequencing and image editing for the Icelandic photographer Agnieszka Sosnowska catalogue “Myth of a Woman”; now on exhibition at the at the Reykjavík National Museum of Iceland.
Agnieszka’s work is phenomenal, and besides being a pleasure getting to know her better, it was a thrill to work closely together designing this catalogue for her exhibition.
I urge everyone to check her work and get a copy of the book, it's well worth it in your bookshelf/collection.
> (19 May) Out today, the first installment in the Disgraced Martyr Trilogy,“The Hierophant’s Daughter” (Book I).
A pleasure to design these covers for the ever-wonderful M.F. Sullivan!
Book cover design for “Side Effects”, poems by J.M. Wright; artwork based on an original painting/collage.
> (8 May) “She Looks into Me” exhibition at Museu Municipal de Faro (Praca Dom Afonso III 14, 8000-149 Faro), including a new video-installation.
From 11th of May until 7th of July 2019. Facebook event here.
Also in Faro, located in the southest region of Portugal, I was invited (again) to participate in Algarve Design Meeting (ADM) 2019.
This year not with a lecture but with a small video-installation, entitled ERRATA.
If you’re visiting Algarve be sure to go see their exhibitions and lectures.
Visual identity for PAINTED BLIND PUBLISHING, an American publisher of psychedelic fiction, from my good friend and author extraordinaire M. F. Sullivan. Be sure to check their forthcoming trilogy - The Disgraced Martyr - really wonderful stuff.
Quick message to wish all friends, clients and suppliers wonderful holidays and may 2019 be a brave and inspirational year to you all.
We at NM Design / Photos hope to work with you again in the next year and together help you achieve your goals.
In an age where we’re surrounded by lack of focus and tolerance towards difference, I sincerely hope 2019 is a year where both artists and patreons attempt to bring into light the most basic universal values of straightforwardness, compassion and camaraderie.
Thank you once again to all those who supported my artist work by buying books, photos, prints, coming to the exhibitions, lectures, or simply trusting me and my partners to handle your very own books and graphic projects.
See you in 2019! Nuno
Who wants a copy? I’m attaching a small unique print to go along with these final books and I’ll be happy to sign them for you. Shipping worldwide.
If you’re interested please head on to: nmphotos.org, or follow this direct link to order.
Thank you all in advance, I can assure you new works are in the making.
Limited Edition of 200 copies
84 pages, open spine paperback with flaps
Insert with text by Adolfo Luxúria Canibal in English / Portuguese
Foreword by M.F. Sullivan and afterword by Jesse Freeman
30 Euros (includes shipping worldwide)
> (17 Sep) Book cover artwork and design (based on original collage) for Chris William’s “Antibody”.

> (1 Jul) On the 10th and 11th of July we’ll be present at Feira Gráfica Lisboa 2021 to sell books, limited editions and special prints. If you’re in Lisbon be sure not to miss it!

> (10 May) Experiência muito enriquecedora de participação na primeira edição do Mercado Pla’Arte. Um obrigado a todos os que apareceram e compraram livros, prints e edições limitadas. O saldo foi muito positivo, alargou-se a rede de contactos e sinergias, e principalmente foi bom trocar ideias e conhecer pessoas genuinamente interessadas em ver coisas novas. Parabéns à organização.
Very enriching experience of participation in the first edition of Mercado Pla’Arte. Thank you to everyone who showed up and bought books, prints and limited editions. The balance was very positive, the network of contacts and synergies was expanded and it was mainly good to exchange ideas and meet people genuinely interested in seeing new things. Congratulations to the organization.

> (26 Feb) Book design (cover + interior typesetting) for Anthony J. Alexandre poetry anthology “More Than That”. Available on paperback, hardcover and ebook.

> (20 Jan) Complete book design (cover + interior with pictures) for Kelly Laguerre’s poetry collection “Too Late”.
Available on paperback / ebook.

> (18 Dec) Book cover + interior design of "Ékleipsis" by Tamel Wino.
Available on paperback / ebook.
Cover based on original hand-made collage.

> (9 Nov) Morreu ontem, Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas. A minha sentida homenagem em forma de lembrança.
Durante a fase de edição do meu livro SHE LOOKS INTO ME levei uma maquete à procura de opinião ao mestre surrealista Cruzeiro Seixas. Com 97 anos de experiência calculei que seria a pessoa (viva, pelo menos) que melhor me poderia aconselhar sobre o que tinha em mãos. O mestre recebeu-me no seu quarto, na Casa do Artista, e ao olhar para as imagens no livro disse-me que "eram bonitas, com muita sensibilidade" e que não havia muito mais que pudesse acrescentar. Deu-me alguns conselhos e desejou-me boa sorte com a publicação do livro. Disse-me que se quisesse podia usar a sua poesia livremente nos meus livros, juntamente com as minhas imagens. Ofereceu-me de seguida um volume assinado da sua obra poética o qual li por completo nessa mesma noite. Disse-me algo simples mas que pela forma como me olhou e se expressou na altura me marcou: "o bom trabalho não pode ser apressado. Precisa de tempo. Volte.”. Disse que nos deveríamos encontrar outra vez e agradeceu-me sempre todas as visitas. Tive 3 encontros com o mestre durante a feitura do livro, e tal como me aconteceu há alguns anos atrás quando visitei Yoshito Ohno (filho de Kazuo Ohno) no seu atelier no Japão, senti que tinha estado na presença de uma pessoa sábia e que as pessoas sábias são generosas e grande parte das vezes se encontram muito sozinhas.
Das vezes que me encontrei com Cruzeiro Seixas fui sempre bem recebido e tratado de forma cordial. Contou-me imensas histórias sobre Cesariny, de quem falava de forma claramente apaixonada. Falou-me das dificuldades de ser artista, das vezes que a sua obra foi roubada ou que foi enganado. Mostrou-me fotografias em África e da medalha atribuída por Cavaco Silva com alguma displicência. Mostrou-me as suas obras espalhadas pelo quarto e falou-me do desenho na parede de António Maria Lisboa.
Com o avançar da idade tinha imensa dificuldade em ler e escrever, mas não em contar histórias. Uma das vezes pediu-me que lhe lesse o correio que se encontrava em cima da mesa. Foi uma experiência diferente, ter um poeta a ouvir-me com extrema atenção a ler cartas pessoais de velhos amigos.
Num dos dias, ao fotografar o mestre, disse-lhe que ainda mostrava ter energia e bom aspecto. Ele retorquiu de maneira evidentemente atrevida dizendo que boa figura tinha eu. Sorri e expliquei que onde me sentia melhor era mesmo atrás da câmara.
Acabei por não usar as palavras do mestre Cruzeiro Seixas em SHE LOOKS INTO ME por achar que não se enquadravam com o corpo de trabalho que tinha em mãos, mantém-se porém uma profunda admiração pela pessoa e pela obra.
Em jeito de despedida, deixo um excerto de um poema do livro que me foi oferecido:
"Tenho frio
e imploro que me cubram com o dilúvio
ao som de trombetas exacerbadas:
que me cubram a mim e ao eco,
e à memória de tudo isto.
Estou ainda aqui,
e vejo
como um cego vê o mar.”

> (29 Oct) Book design for Anne-Tamar Morency, "If Saturn Itself Could Cry", a collection of poems.
Available on paperback / Ebook through Amazon.
Cover artwork based on original hand-made collage.

> (28 Sep) On creativity, childhood, and ideas - an interview for Black Flowers.

> (24 Sep) Book design for Ryan J. Kemp "Returning Home: A Collection of Poems From Around the World".
Available on paperback through Amazon.
Cover artwork based on original painting.

> (14 Sep) Book design for Chelsea Reidy "The Brightest Darkness: A Journey into Bipolar Disorder".
Available on paperback and Ebook through Amazon.
Cover artwork based on original hand-made collage.

> (13 May) Since last year I’ve been doing several visual studies using print gravure. More precisely, linogravure.
I’ve selected a few prints from the archive and I’m now selling these artist proofs (AP) in an edition of 5 each.
Gravure on japanese calligraphy paper mounted on 150 gms black paper. Size 29,7x42 cm.
120 Euros each print, shipping included worldwide.
1. The universe is indifferent
2. The convergence of shadows
3. The voice, the song, the whisper
4. Murmuring echoes
Please contact me for more information or visit the shop for other artworks.

> (9 Mar) I am pleased to announce that my new artist book is now available in an edition of only 50 copies, numbered, signed and all produced manually.
"ERRATA.” is a photographic essay created in 2017 and which now sees the light of day accompanied by a beautiful text in prose by David Soares, which matches in an exemplary way with the nature of these images making me very satisfied with the final outcome.
"ERRATA.” is, in a very succinct manner, a book about books that pays homage to the labyrinthine and inexhaustible sense of imagination and dream.
Directed and shot by Nuno Moreira
Text by David Soares (Portuguese / English)
Actors: Marta Barahona Abreu, Miguel Sá Nogueira
Book design by Nuno Moreira
Format: 140x205mm
Pages: 52
Hand bound (french stitching) in black cardboard box with front / back embossed title
40 Euros - (shipping worldwide)
or send a direct message by email to: info@nmdesign.org
"ERRATA", we are all pages in a book. March 2020

> (6 Mar) Bellow is a picture someone took of me, with a silly smile, talking with photography students and peers at Escola Profissional Magestil, in Lisbon, yesterday.
I was invited by a dear old friend for a lecture on the topic of “the international career of a photographer” and since I don’t feel full authority to speak about this particular subject I’ve decided to instead talk about my experience in art residencies and collaborations with other artists as a way of stepping out of your geographic zone and pushing ones work out there.
All in all, it’s nearly 10 years since I’ve stopped teaching but it’s always fun speaking in public and even though most students are shy to pose direct questions I prefer to address them as colleagues breaking the usual social hierarchy of teacher-student so prevalent in general education.

> (3 Feb) I am floored to have just found out that the great Yoshito Ohno passed away on January 8th 2020.
I had the privilege of spending a memorable afternoon with this utterly kind man in the summer of 2011. It was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. Yoshito greeted me – by all means a perfect stranger - at his home, showing me the studio where he and his father Kazuo Ohno rehearsed for years and taught Butoh to students from Japan and all over the world. The story of meeting Yoshito is part of a larger picture of my life and Butoh is perhaps one of the catalysts for me to travel to Japan just after the big earthquake of 2011. I knew all along I wanted to pay a visit to Ohno and listen in first-hand about his father and what Butoh represented to the people who started this art/dance movement. I’m not going to delve into explaining what Butoh is because there’s enough information out there but I am going to share what I wrote on my diary that day and represents best the immediate impression I had of Yoshito, being this my small gesture of appreciation for his time and grace.
From my diary:
"12/09/11, KODS – Kazuho Ohno Dance Studios.
I just had the most sincere and humbling experience of my life with Kazuho Ohno’s son, Yoshito. He received me in his home, gave me some slippers to put on and showed me the studio where he taught classes and rehearsed. In the opposite wall of the studio there were books piled and he showed me some while we talked about his shows and about his father and Hijikata. He had fond memories of both. He showed me lots of pictures, memorabilia and danced for me for a while; I took photos and realised this was a unique moment. After the performance he asked for my home address and we took a picture together. As a gift, he gave me a book about his fathers’ farewell performance. I felt moved by it all. Afterwards, we went to his room and we sat to have a beer together. We looked in each others’ eyes for a while. Talked about Butoh (in Japan and Europe). We just sat, ate crackers and shared silence. He told me I gave him renewed energies for his next performance. I felt him truly there - present. A very spiritual and inspiring person. Yoshito was worried about Japan and his family after the situation with the quake. I wished him and Japan all the best. It depends on us all. We understood with very little english and my insignificant japanese. I firmly shook his hand and thanked him and then left towards the station. A true human being. I feel grateful and overjoyed. Crying. Learned and will remember this is what matters."
I think about Yoshito often.

> (10 Jan) Exhibition of She Looks into Me at Centro Cultural de Cascais / Fundação D. Luis I.
Featuring images taken from the book with the same title, along with a new video-installation. At the foyer of the Museum the visitor will find preliminary works (drawings, collage, etc) that served as guiding references for the materialization of this project. The last copies of the book can be acquired at the museum shop.
Centro Cultural de Cascais / Fundação D. Luis I, Avenida Rei Humberto II de Itália, Nº16, 2750-800 Cascais, Portugal
Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 AM to 18.00 PM
The exhibition can be visited until 23rd of February 2020
> (17 Dec) Book design for “Norwegian Sky 9”, the new photobook by Arlindo Pinto, published by Huggly Books in an edition of 100 copies.
Text by Fernando Sobral and Arlindo Pinto in English and Portuguese. Always a pleasure working for talented friends.

> (29 Oct) Opening next Friday at 16 PM in Setúbal - The Nature of this Room - on display at Lapso Galeria until December 21st.
A very special installation-project developed with Rosanna Helena Bach and curated by Sofia Steinvorth during the past 6 months.
From the press-release:
“Parting from two site-specific installations and a series of photographic experiments, the gallery turns into an immersive experience, in which the space itself - its rooms, shapes, walls, columns and windows - becomes a part of the artists' pursuits. Their pieces seem to merge with the surrounding architecture and to expand into the space contained within it. The apparent borders between works and space, graspable object and aether, blur. The gallery reveals itself as a liminal realm, a transitory, in-between state characterized by indeterminacy, the potential for destabilization and the possibility for transformation.”
> (23 Aug) When one leasts expects the most exciting comissions come along. This time a cover design for a complex thriller entitled “The Fallen”, second novel by UK’s author Martin Hyde. Instead of going for an easy approach, depicting literally a person falling, a typography composition did the trick quite nicely this time.
“The Fallen” will be available on paperback and Kindle on November 2019.

> (4 Jun) Here’s another new book cover design. This one for the motivational speaker on Autism and mental health, Russell Lehmann.
A powerful first-hand account using prose and poetry to face autism heads-on and achieving personal growth and recognition in return.
The concept for this cover had to be strong and personal, therefore it derived from an original collage which was then modified by altering the silhouette to Russell’s very own torso, a somewhat symbolic gateway representing the interaction with the external world and the complex mechanisms of the inner world.

> (21 May) Book design, sequencing and image editing for the Icelandic photographer Agnieszka Sosnowska catalogue “Myth of a Woman”; now on exhibition at the at the Reykjavík National Museum of Iceland.
Agnieszka’s work is phenomenal, and besides being a pleasure getting to know her better, it was a thrill to work closely together designing this catalogue for her exhibition.
I urge everyone to check her work and get a copy of the book, it's well worth it in your bookshelf/collection.

> (19 May) Out today, the first installment in the Disgraced Martyr Trilogy,“The Hierophant’s Daughter” (Book I).
A pleasure to design these covers for the ever-wonderful M.F. Sullivan!

Book cover design for “Side Effects”, poems by J.M. Wright; artwork based on an original painting/collage.

> (8 May) “She Looks into Me” exhibition at Museu Municipal de Faro (Praca Dom Afonso III 14, 8000-149 Faro), including a new video-installation.
From 11th of May until 7th of July 2019. Facebook event here.

Also in Faro, located in the southest region of Portugal, I was invited (again) to participate in Algarve Design Meeting (ADM) 2019.
This year not with a lecture but with a small video-installation, entitled ERRATA.
If you’re visiting Algarve be sure to go see their exhibitions and lectures.

Visual identity for PAINTED BLIND PUBLISHING, an American publisher of psychedelic fiction, from my good friend and author extraordinaire M. F. Sullivan. Be sure to check their forthcoming trilogy - The Disgraced Martyr - really wonderful stuff.

Quick message to wish all friends, clients and suppliers wonderful holidays and may 2019 be a brave and inspirational year to you all.
We at NM Design / Photos hope to work with you again in the next year and together help you achieve your goals.
In an age where we’re surrounded by lack of focus and tolerance towards difference, I sincerely hope 2019 is a year where both artists and patreons attempt to bring into light the most basic universal values of straightforwardness, compassion and camaraderie.
Thank you once again to all those who supported my artist work by buying books, photos, prints, coming to the exhibitions, lectures, or simply trusting me and my partners to handle your very own books and graphic projects.
See you in 2019! Nuno

> (11 Dec) A couple of weeks ago I was invited by a friend for a brief lecture in MAGESTIL (a technical school where I used to teach cinema and design years ago) to address students and teachers on what does it take to be an independent freelancer and designer in this day and age. The context of the talk was centred on the topic of networking, something I honestly do without putting much thought into it. It was particularly enjoyable to somehow deconstruct this idea that people with regular jobs and steady income look upon the life of an artist or freelancer as something frivolous and with enormous freedom, not taking into account the enormous amount of dedication, discipline and method it takes to build your own path and then walk it. Building a trustful net of collaborators, suppliers and clients is part of it, but so is management, focus, learning non-stop, developing your own identity, and a million things more. Being independent basically means relying on yourself and thinking about what can you offer that no-one else can do better than you; it’s not a competition but something that can stimulate the creator finding its voice and the audience remembering him for a specific reason.

> (14 Nov) Booklet design of GRID CITIES - Pombaline, from photographer John Fredrick Anderson. Very interesting project consisting of photo explorations through different cities as a way of transcribing visually the urban grids and how those affect our daily lives. This issue is dedicated to Lisbon's Pombaline designs, and being my home-town it was a privilege to research and come out with these layouts.
John is having an exhibition and release of this new work in Oporto, at CPF - Centro Português de Fotografia which runs from Nov 17th - 5th of May 2019. Be sure to check it out if you're in Oporto.

> (4 Oct) É com satisfação que recebemos a notícia que o livro “She Looks into Me” (editado em Janeiro de 2018) é seleccionado, no meio de outros 20 livros nacionais, pelo júri do Prémio Design de Livro 2018 da DGLAB, Direção-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas.
Assim, será um dos 20 candidatos portugueses que a DGLAB apresentará no concurso internacional Best Book Design From All Over the World, da Stiftung Buchkunst, em Leipzig.
Está prevista a realização de uma exposição dos 20 livros distinguidos pelo jurí nas instalações da DGLAB em Lisboa (Torre do Tombo) com inauguração no dia 14 de Novembro pelas 17:30.
“She Looks into Me” amongst other 20 Portuguese books selected by the jury for the Best Book Design From All Over the World competition of Stiftung Buchkunst, in Leipzig.
An exhibition of the 20 selected books will be held in Lisbon, at DGLAB headquarters (Torre do Tombo) on the 14th of November from 17:30.

> (20 Jul) Hello, everyone. We hope you’re having a wonderful summer!
Before we go on vacation next month we are offering our clients and friends 25% OFF on all products on the webshop.
~ ~ posters, books, original artworks, photos ~ ~ all until the end of July.
Just add the product to the cart and when you're done it will automatically appear the discount on the checkout.
If you were waiting for the right moment, this is it!! Happy shopping!

> (18 Jun) Head on to the webshop!
Prints from original collages are now available to order.
Posters printed on 140g fine art couche paper, size 594x841mm (A1), edition of 10 each, signed and numbered.
The cost of each poster is 50 Euros (+postage).
More information and orders via email or please check the webshop directly.
Encontram-se à venda prints de edições limitadas de trabalhos mistos de colagem.
Tratam-se de posters de dimensão A1 (594x841mm), impressões em papel de 140g fine art couche, em edições de 10 exemplares cada, assinados e númerados.
Cada poster custa 50 Euros (portes de envio incluídos para Portugal) e encomendas podem ser feitas via email, ou através da webshop.

> (10 Apr) Book cover design/illustration for Ben Garrido's "THE POTENCY".

> (March 1) G E O M E T R I E S O F S I L E N C E
Photography installation by Nuno Moreira . 03.03.2018 - 02.06.2018
"Geometries of Silence” is an ongoing photo project by Nuno Moreira.
The images for the exhibition in Museu da Luz were produced as a result of an artistic residency that the author did in the month of August 2017 in Aldeia da Luz, Mourão.
According with the photographer “the light of the Alentejo has something of devastating and at the same time is of a profound calm. The images in this series bear this luminous intensity and the palpable roughness of this region.”
The opening of “Geometries of Silence” is set for the next 3rd of March (Saturday), from 17:00 PM, together with the release of a commemorative catalog. The exhibition is open to the general public until the 2nd of June.

> (Jan 31) Due to be published in March 19th, the new book by M.F. Sullivan, "THE LIGHTNING STENOGRAPHY DEVICE", is a real treat for all those seeking multiple layers of existencial inspection. Once again I had the pleasure of working on the book cover and it's fair to say it turned out an auspicious marriage of form and content. Highly recommended reading!

> (Jan 7) Fresh news: 2018 starts with a renewed website of NM Photos along with a new photobook!

My 3d self-published photobook, SHE LOOKS INTO ME, is finally ready.
It’s a tremendously intimate study on solitude, familiar relationships and human tragedy.
It was shot with real actors and conceived in a manner very similar with theatre. The book is divided in three main chapters: Being, Becoming and Unbecoming, and although the overall result is very subjective in nature there is a strong thread in terms of style and form that holds this series together. The accompanied text written by poet/lyricist Adolfo L. Canibal keeps the tradition of inviting a person outside of the photography medium to think about the ambient of the pictures in terms of words.
I’m very satisfied with the result and couldn’t imagine telling this story in a better way.
220x280mm, 84 pages, 42 black and white analogue photographs
Text by Adolfo Luxúria Canibal (English / Portuguese)
Foreword by M.F. Sullivan, Afterword by Jesse Freeman
Limited Edition of 200 copies
ISBN: 978-989-20-8093-2
Contact me at info@nmdesign.org for more info or order online at the new website if you would like to purchase a copy.
Special pre-order price during the month of January: 25 Euros (shipping included) Worldwide / 20 Euros for Portugal.

> (Dec 15) Meet THOR HARRIS, wonderful musician and very kind person. Had the pleasure of taking a few shots with him and his bandmates last night before their show at ZDB in Lisbon.

> (Dec 4) Another poster design - originally based on an old collage piece - for the show of contemporary cellist LUCY RAILTON and experimental extraordinaire GARCIA DA SELVA live in Museu da Marioneta, Lisboa. Produced by Nariz Entupido.

> (Nov 11) Photo and brief talk with MICHAEL GIRA from the legendary band SWANS a few moments before their show in Lisbon past October.

> (Sept 27) Music poster for the show of Swedish musician Joachim Nordwall and Travassos live in Lisbon.

> (Aug 11) 10 years and we’re still standing!
Yes, time flies and it has been officially a decade working independently with clients from all over the world.
In 80% of these 10 years we developed projects that have been related with book design / editorial / magazines / covers.
15% brand identity, consulting and photography AND the remaining 5% music design, illustration and posters.
In these 10 years we’ve designed circa 500 book covers, not all of them brilliant but all exciting projects where we learned a lot about the industry, managing clients, gaining trust and facing all kinds of challenges.
10 years… and we're not tired. 10 years and we still want to do the work we love, and that’s the possibility of having clients to give us freedom to accomplish daring visual works, with substance, with meaning and most importantly that can stand the test of time.

> (Jun 1) Really excited to share with you the recent book cover designs for Annelie Wendeberg's "Keeper of Pleas" series. These are wonderful mystery-novels set in 1880s and with plenty of plot-twists and engaging characters. The second book, "Spider Silk" is out on July 31st.

On a different note: just made a few updates on the webshop, where you will be able to find new artworks for sale. Dig in!

> (Apr 7) In the begging of this year I was fortunate to work again with Sean Lynch on a second series of Thriller novels entitled "A Chauncey Means". The covers were based on real-crime scenes and bring about a very visceral atmosphere of witnessing a first degree murder. I wanted to work solely on black/white in opposition with the covers we did before.
In retrospect, it's always a joy to develop work with authors that are open to being surprised and this gives me also a chance to re-interpret what was done before while there's a sense of a graphic language being developed that hopefully enriches the author's universe. Ultimately and most importantly, I hope this brings enthusiasm to the readers out there.

Here's Sean's first series (Farrell & Kearns) designed back in 2015.

> (Feb 27) These new covers for Galileo Publishing just arrived in the mail today.
Particularly satisfied with how “Auschwitz” turned out. What more can we say about Auschwitz, right? The contention of avoiding clichés and simply going for a smoky-clear cover truly payed off in the end.
Take a look at bookcovers-design.com for a few more updates and recent works.

> (Feb 3) A quick note to let you know I'm on instagram now!
I'll be showing a bit of behind-the-scenes and the working process of different projects over there.

> (Dec 24) Dear friends, clients, collaborators, students…
We at NM Design / Photos want to personally thank you for all the amazing projects developed together during this year! We are truly grateful for your trust + support, for thinking of us first when it’s time to embark on a new creative project.
2017 is at bay and we’re excited with what’s to come. We have a new photo-studio and on top of that we will be celebrating 10 years of activity!
Art, books, music and photography is again on top of our lists as our areas of focus, and we are here to make things happen, with YOU!
Until then, peaceful holidays full of tipsy warm-feelings amongst those you cherish. Love and best wishes, Nuno Moreira

(Nov 23) JOANA GUERRA + JULIA KENT, two amazing cello players before their show in Lisbon (Igreja dos Ingleses).

> (Nov 14) Comission for JONES MAGAZINE (Australia) to illustrate the article "The Loneliness of Men" with one of my collages.

> (Oct 22) Reportagem da ESECTV sobre a instalação "ZONA" na Casa da Escrita (Coimbra).
> (Oct 13) É com enorme prazer que durante o mês de Outubro se irá realizar uma instalação especial do projecto "ZONA" na Casa da Escrita, em Coimbra. Existe uma relação muito próxima entre estas fotos e a palavra por isso a oportunidade de apresentar estas imagens num local onde a literatura é o foco principal faz com que este projecto se sinta verdadeiramente em casa. Durante um mês novas imagens irão estar a habitar esta casa, criando um diálogo com a arquitectura e este espaço único.
It is with enormous pleasure that a special installation of "ZONA" will take place in the beautiful building of Casa da Escrita, in Coimbra (Portugal), from 1 - 28th of October. The close relationship of these photos with the written word is essential, so presenting it in a place where literature is the main focus makes this project feel at home. For about one month new photos will be discreetly inhabiting this house, creating a dialogue with its unique architecture and space.

> (July 07) NM Design / Photos is celebrating today 9 years of existence. Nothing would be possible without the trust of all the people with whom I had the pleasure of crossing paths and somehow believed in me and what I do. A generous amount of gratitude to all the friends, students, schools, publishers, writers, labels, musicians, galleries, bookstores, and clients in general out there who I had the opportunity of doing work with in one way or another through almost a decade.

> (June 19) Photo-shoot with EARTH ELECTRIC, the new band of Norwegian guitarist Rune Eriksen joined by front-woman Carmen Simoes, marking the return to activity of these acclaimed musicians by exploring a more progressive sound firmly based on hard rock. The Norwegian/Portuguese band will release their debut full-length album via Season of Mist worldwide.

> (May 19) New interview with Empty Kingdom website about my latest photo-book and series ZONA. We got to talk about the motivations behind this work, the intention of working with negative space and the process of designing a book respectful to it's place of origin. Also, worth to mention that most of the pictures on this interview are out-takes from the book.

On the design front, here's a recent book cover project for Atticus Books, to be released later this summer.

And "TV in the Head" by Kevin Tao Mohs, a dystopian future novel, also to be out very soon.

> (Feb 22) Dear all, if you're around Lisbon save the date 5th of March for the book launch + exhibition of my latest work ZONA.
More information about schedule and place by clicking bellow.

> (Dec 1) Winter solstice is upon us and it marks the release of my new book ZONA.
From today the book is available for order through the publications link on this website or by visiting my photography website where you will be able to find more samples, information and keep updated with news.

> (Nov 25) Próximo Sábado, pelas 12h, estarei no Arquivo Fotográfico Municipal De Lisboa na Feira do Livro de Fotografia de Lisboa - Lisbon's Photobook Fair - para apresentar em primeira-mão o novo livro ZONA; A feira irá decorrer de Sexta a Domingo com diferentes actividades, sendo que o livro estará em pré-venda na mesa dos autores.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Next Saturday, from 12h, I'll be at Arquivo Fotográfico Municipal de Lisboa in Lisbon's Photobook Fair presenting in first-hand the new book ZONA; the fair will be held from Friday to Sunday with a wide program, the book will be available for pre-sale at the independent author's table.

> (Nov 15) Dear all, I'm thrilled to announce I have a new book coming out in the next months, it's entitled ZONA.
It's a work embedded with much care and thought. My most personal work to date and the one I feel more accomplished with. I know this sounds utterly like a cliché, but it's a honest cliché.
ZONA is a photography series written, sketched and fully rooted on dreams and many drawings collected from a brief but very intense period of my life in Japan. The pictures on ZONA literally "came to me" and had an urgency to be done – for that reason the essence of the project was different and somehow very special.
This time all the images derive from a single performance and everything was thought exclusively for the documentation in book format.
The result is a dark, sensual and unexpected body of photographs with a heavy symbolic nature.
Along with circa 30 images the book is a trilingual edition with exclusive texts written by José Luís Peixoto in Portuguese, English and Japanese.
Now that the book is complete I can safely say it changed my approach to making photography and opened new avenues to what I'm exploring at the present moment.
It is difficult to write extensively about subjects of the soul without feeling like a prostitute, but here are a few more words written about ZONA that can shed some light on what's coming out:
"This is about the hidden and the particular. About that which has no name. This is about trying to visualize the invisible. This is about the word and its double. This is about the mirror. This is about bringing to light the unknown. This is about the dream. This is about the now and gone. This is about that which we can see but cannot grasp. This is about the familiar and the horrible. This is about initiation and burial. This is about the space within and the limitations of the flesh. This is about the dissident and the absurd. This is about the poetry of the inexplicable and the simplicity of silence. This is about wearing the inside out."
I'm glad to share this announcement with everyone reading, the book will be available this December.
I'll promise to have more details coming very soon.

> (Sept 15) For about two years I had the pleasure of working together with friends on the visual identity & branding for their new business and much anticipated dream: the renovation of an old family house into what is now a full immersive experience for the senses. It's called CASA MODESTA and located in the south of Portugal, more specifically in Olhão (Algarve). CASA MODESTA is an unparalleled project, with extremely good taste and attention to details. By seeing the video bellow, you'll quickly understand why it's considered by the New York Times as one of the 8 European Hotels That Feel Like Home. Only Better.
Here's how the the visual concept came about and the way the identity/branding was developed.

> (Sept 15) Most of my days are spent reading manuscripts and designing covers for authors and publishers, some of these projects I feel satisfied with the results and glad to share them and other projects, like "DELILAH, MY WOMAN", are just one-of-a-kind chances I feel privileged to be commissioned and given 100% control.
"DELILAH, MY WOMAN" was a fantastic read and compelling story, I felt close with the characters pathos and most of the times the notes I would take for the cover design were very much linked with my own artistic production in collage. It became obvious what to do - and fortunately - the author, M.F. Sullivan, was open to my suggestion of using one of the collages for the cover and that's how a personal work gets featured in a dust-jacket for a hardcover book.
Be on the lookout for the book release next November, it's well-worth the read!

> (Sept 15) So much new work and not enough time for updates. Here is a video I just finished for WOLF MAPS from the new album "Purity" out now on limited cassette/digital through Futuresequence.
> (May 13) Because life is made of much more than just work, I accepted the invitation from friend Jesse Freeman and the people at MURO SCENTS to do a music selection of some tunes that set a mood for many of my working days here in the studio.
Listen to the mix bellow and why not check their website and order some fine incense?
Hope this brings some sonic inspiration to all hard-working friends and artists out there. Cheers!
> (Apr 13) On book cover design and visual practice: an inteview for REEDSY.

> (Mar 19) Glad to announce that it's now possible to buy ORIGINAL artworks and prints from my new online SHOP.
I'm mailing the products worldwide and it's easy to secure your purchase using paypal/credit card.
Most of these are previously unseen works or never exhibited before. It's something I do on the side – pretty much a personal outlet - when not doing graphic projects or photography.
Please go check it out and consider if it looks good on your office, at home, or as a gift to someone special. It would be a pleasure to mail you a piece. Help me spread the word!!